Saigon Silicon City is the name of a new high technology center that is being created in Vietnam’s southern metropole Ho Chi Minh City. The Saigon Silicon City is a large Hi-Tech park that will provide modern facilities for numerous Information and Communication Technology (ICT) companies when finished. It is located in the city’s District 9, but will definitely offer chances for businesses everywhere in Ho Chi Minh City.
Orient Software, located in the E-Town building in Ho Chi Minh City’s Tan Binh District, welcomes the addition of the newest Hi-Tech park in the city. According to the software development company, such continued and increasing support for ICT centers like Saigon Silicon City prove that the city has the will to become a global high-tech industry hub and the plan to make it possible. It is a good sign for the future and invites more foreign companies to invest in Vietnam and to do business with ICT companies in the country.
For more information, see Saigon Silicon City website. To learn about software development services in Vietnam, see Orient Software website.